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Useful Resources

Click on the following links to access documents, templates and other useful resources to aid the development of your clearinghouse:

PILnet's Global Clearinghouse Resources

This three-page document provides a detailed description of the types of pro bono support that is available to NGOs through PILnet's Global Clearinghouse, and sets out the steps that organizations need to take to begin receiving pro bono legal assistance

PILnet uses this short screening form to gather some initial information from NGOs that wish to join PILnet’s NGO network and start accessing support from its pool of pro bono lawyers .

NGOs that want to make a request for pro bono support through PILnet’s Global Clearinghouse should fill in this template and return it to Marieanne McKeown

The Forum, now in its 7th year, is Europe's largest event for lawyers, NGOs, law schools and clearinghouses engaged in pro bono. The agenda provides a snapshot of hot topics in European pro bono right now.

useful_resources.1382087204.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/18 09:06 by marieanne_mckeown